.. ZMT DataLab documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Nov 12 18:14:55 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. DataLab Documentation ======================== .. toctree:: :hidden: lab_setup/lab-setup working_at_the_lab/using-lab guides/how-do-i working_at_the_lab/getting-help about_the_lab/about-lab Welcome to the user guide for the DataLab. The `DataLab `_ is a |ZMT|_ research infrastructure for data-centric collaboration. The DataLab helps you to create or join shared digital workspaces for scientific data analysis and project management. **To get started**: * Check out the how :ref:`the_lab` is set up * Learn about working in a :ref:`labspace` * Learn about available :ref:`lab_services` and how to use them * Find answers to your :ref:`how_do_i` questions * Need help? Then check section about :ref:`getting_help`. Links: * ZMT_ * `Imprint `_ * `Privacy `_